Circles of Life: Katsina Imagery on Hopi Wicker Basketry


Circles of Life: Katsina Imagery on Hopi Wicker Basketry


Judith W. Finger and Andrew D. Finger

While the Hopi people are well known for their skill and artistry in creating ceramics, jewelry, and most especially, katsina dolls, little attention has been paid to Hopi wicker basketry, and even less to the use of katsina imagery on this medium. As the authors note, “Hopi wicker basketry plaques can be appreciated on many levels. Viewers can admire them as works of art and marvel at their makers’ talents. They can identify a katsina image and glimpse the integral part katsinam play in Hopi life. They can understand these plaques’ importance in sustaining Hopi traditions and the role they have played in Hopi and non-Hopi relations.” 104 pages, more than 100 color images and black & white photos, softcover only. Published in 2006.


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